2014 Chiropractor of the Year

2014 Chiropractor of the Year

2014 Chiropractor of the Year

The Arizona Association of Chiropractic named Dr. Renée  Haberl, D.C. the 2014 Chiropractor of the Year!!

2014 was the 3rd Consecutive year that Dr. Renée has received this prestigious award. The AAC recognized Dr. Renée for her many sacrifices and the many hours she dedicated to helping improve the Chiropractic Community, as well as helping to launch the Arizona Association of Chiropractic forward towards bigger and brighter horizons!!

“While everyone sees the outside of what Dr. Haberl does and thinks that, that’s pretty amazing, I’ve been a little more on the inside and I can’t even begin to describe how incredible she is and how much she has kept on her shoulders over the past few years. And I’m sure that I’ve only seen a portion of even that amount. So truly, as much as anyone THINKS she’s amazing, it likely goes magnitudes beyond that.”
~ Dr. Jamie Bogash, D.C., Insurance Committee Chair, AAC ~

The Arizona of Association of Chiropractic is more than pleased to honor Dr. Renée Ann Haberl, D.C. as the 2014 CHIROPRACTOR OF THE YEAR for her selfless acts throughout the years. From serving on Committees, the Board and as the President of the AAC; we do look forward to working with Dr. Renée Ann Haberl, D.C. in coming years. Thank you Dr. Renée for your continued support of the Arizona Association of Chiropractic. You have made a difference within the Chiropractic Community!!!!

~ Anonymous ~

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